Each month, the Public Service Commission holds meetings, hearings, and other events related to the regulation of South Carolina's utilities at our offices. These events are livestreamed to the public and can be watched live at this link, or you can call in to the PSC's toll-free listen-only line at 1-877-312-2531 and enter the access code (2306 156 7308) to listen live. Please note that this listen line access code may be subject to change; consult the calendar at this link for the most current access code.
You can find out more about upcoming events scheduled at the Public Service Commission at the links below:
Date | Time | Docket Number & Link | Description | Livestream Link |
2.6 | 1:00 p.m. | Agendas | Commission Business Meeting | |
2.10 | 10:00 a.m. | 2024-316-E | Application of South Carolina Public Service Authority (Santee Cooper) for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Convenience and Necessity for the Construction and Operation of the Wassamassaw to Pringletown Nos. 1 and 2 230/115 kV Lines and Associated Facilities Pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. ยง 58-33-10 et seq. | |
2.13 | 1:00 p.m. | Agendas | Commission Business Meeting | |
2.18 | 10:00 a.m. | 2024-333-E | Application of Dominion Energy South Carolina, Inc. for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Convenience and Necessity for the Construction and Operation of the Ritter-Yemassee 230 kV Line and Associated Facilities | |
2.19 | 3:00 p.m. | Agendas | Special Commission Business Meeting | |
2.21 | 12:00 p.m. | Agendas | Special Commission Business Meeting |
Please note that these events are subject to change and may be rescheduled, held in abeyance, or canceled at the call of the Chair. Consult the PSC's calendar of events at this link to stay up-to-date on changes to the event schedule or reach out to contact@psc.sc.gov if you have any questions.