PSC Publishes Guidelines for E-Filing | Public Service Commission Skip to main content
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PSC Publishes Guidelines for E-Filing

Tue, 01/14/2025

The Public Service Commission has issued Order No. 2025-23 adopting e-filing guidelines for the agency. These guidelines follow:

1. You may access electronic filing at the Commission by using the address In order to e-file you must register and create your login and password. After you have e-filed a document, an e-mail will be sent to you stating that the Commission has received your filing.

2. All electronic filings must be in a Searchable PDF Document format only.

3. When a document is e-filed with the Commission, the signature of the attorney filing the document must be shown as an “/s/” followed by the attorney’s name typed in the signature line of the document if not executed by hand.

4. Once the e-filed document is reviewed, an email will be sent to the filer indicating whether the filing has been accepted or rejected for processing.

5. All confidential filings must be mailed or hand delivered to the Commission. No confidential filings will be accepted if sent electronically to the Commission.

6. If e-filing is not used when submitting a document to the Commission, the Commission’s statutes, rules, regulations, and orders governing practice and procedure govern the filing (e.g., number of copies, etc.).

For more information, please contact the Commission at 803.896.5100 or at